Tribal Outreach


Hope House started building relationships with the people by distributing blankets during the cold months of October to February. It serves as entry points for Hope House, visiting the villages occasionally throughout the year to gain more trust-based relationships. To date, they have given blankets to 250 families in five remote villages.


They have gained support among some families, indicated by the families’ sending their children to live in the Tribal Children’s Home. The implementer is able to gather the village residents for different activities. They show films on real life stories of Karen and Hmong individuals who have been changed by God’s Word. Follow-up includes visits to the villages and the distribution of Bibles in the tribal dialect and Thai language.




 TO DEVELOP a trust based relationship between Hope House and the villagers.



TO SHARE the saving knowledge of God. 


TO EXTEND a helping hand to the future generation of the villagers














































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